There is increasing evidence highlighting the benefits of investing in girls around the world. Investing in girls is not only a noble cause and a responsibility for humanity as a whole, but it is also a strategic move for businesses and governments to drive the growth and development of societies. Investment in girls is reflected across multiple dimensions:
Economic Growth and Development:
Increase in Economic Productivity: Research from the World Bank highlights the direct economic benefits of educating girls. Women with schooling tend
Health Improvement:
Decrease in Maternal Mortality Rates: Girls with schooling are less likely to experience unwanted pregnancies during adolescence and become mothers at a young age. They tend to marry
Sport as a Tool for Development:
Leadership and Self-Efficacy: Girls who practice sports can cultivate leadership, resilience, confidence, and self-efficacy, among other skills. UN Women emphasizes that sports programs for girls
Educational Impact on Society at Large:
Social Impact and Community Growth: Investing in the general education of girls allows for what is known as "The Girl Effect", which is a positive multiplier effect on the lives of individuals and their communities. As girls